Shared Article “The Regulator platform assists clients in organizing and managing project data like creative assets, approvals, and expenditures while establishing an effective feedback loop....
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Jamie Calon, Co-Founder and CEO at Regulator, was invited to sit down with Matt Morris, Podcast Host at Temy, and talk about finding role models...
You may have noticed an increase in progressive brands employing new types of “C” suite executive positions, such as CNOs (Chief Networking Officer) and CSOs...
Spreadsheets are one of the most versatile and widely used tools in the business world, but what happens when they crumble? Spreadsheets are one of...
There’s no doubt that trade marketing is one of the most logistically heavy functional groups of the marketing world. This fact typically is ignored by...
Effective communication enables virtually everything else your team does. It’s fundamental to productivity, performance, and output. Shared Article “If you manage multiple teams or distinct...
Using the analogy of a bullwhip, let’s discuss how a business’s functional groups should interact to create a successful marketing structure. Click here to read...
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