Shared Article “The Regulator platform assists clients in organizing and managing project data like creative assets, approvals, and expenditures while establishing an effective feedback loop....
Premium Lifestyle
Sales tools are the lifeblood of your brand
"Managing our remote field teams presents tons of logistical challenges. The power of check-ins allows us to be fast in the market and maintain a high level of accountability with accurate real-time data. Regulator is an industry leading technology which has allowed us to up our game and has been a massive benefit to our team."

Yannis Karlos
Park Distillery

Neil Currie
Phillips Brewing & Malting
Steam Whistle Brewing
“Regulator has been an essential tool for our team to stay organized and up to date with the market and our customers. It is 100% the best solution to bring our sales team to the next level."

Cassandra Durocher
Cabin Brewing Company
"Regulator has been a great tool in our belt for many reasons. Its affordable, user friendly, customizable and connects directly to Liquor Connect. Any Sales team can benefit from its multi-faceted portal including discussion tabs, updated contacts, share direct files (Logos, shared files), and events calendar. It encapsulates Slack, Google Drive, calendars and a CRM all in one."
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Get a detailed walkthrough
Sales Tools Management
Order, track, control and distribute your sales tools with laser accuracy.
Regulator allows you to pull exact quantities and measurements while also providing accurate marketplace distribution with just a few clicks. Custom item production just became as easy as buying it in a store.
- Turn your data into razor sharp operational decision points
- Easily adjust your POPs into custom items for key dealers
- Keep your brand image clean without clutter and confusion
- Built-in service providers can design, print and deliver for you

Share Direct
Distribute all of your essential marketing information from one central location.
Distribute all of your essential marketing information including product specifications, pricing structures, promotions and key brand messaging throughout your entire organization. Make sure your staff have access to the right information, in the right place, at the right time.
- Tracked and secure so your team can share with confidence
- Stores essential information and reports it back to the team
- Know what content receives the most views and shares
- Organize and store your files in the cloud
Brand Continuity
Move faster in the market with never-before-seen scale, all while maintaining perfect brand management.
Streamline your brand’s image by making sure your team is on the same page, with current art and messaging. Regulator combines all your executions so you can manage the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘when’ and ‘how much’ at all levels.
- Ensure your messaging is clear and correct
- Get granular control over all touch points
- Enhance your image as a brand that cares about the details
- Organize and store your files in the cloud

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